2024 GASSP Assistant Principal Conference
1-Day Drive-In | March 4, 2024
Hutchings College and Career Academy
1780 Anthony Road, Macon, GA 31204
Navigating the New Normal as an Assistant Principal
Hotel Recommendation: Town Place Suites at Mercer University
This conference will offer participants the chance to collaborate with other assistant principals throughout the state of Georgia. Learn from practitioners in the field and the amazing strategies they are using to gain student success in their schools. Speakers include Georgia Assistant Principals of the Year ; Courtney Walker and Kendra Jenkins. The goal is for you to leave with a "toolbox" of ideas and strategies that you can implement this year at your school, and for you to leave with the contact information of a new assistant principal friend you met. You will enjoy a delicious meal prepared especially for you by the Chef and culinary students at Hutchings! See you in Macon!
Cancellation Policy: No Cancellations or Refunds. Questions? Email Alan Long at along@gael.org OR Wanda Law at wlaw@gael.org.
Registration for this event is closed.