49th Annual GAEL Summer Conference
"Follow the Kids to the Future"
In Person Registration
Jekyll Island Convention Center
Jekyll Island, Georgia
July 10-13, 2022
In-Person Registration is FULL!
Lodging List

*Register early if you are planning to attend face-to-face because attendance may be limited due to social distancing safety considerations!
All conference registrations include complimentary GAEL Membership and one Affiliate Membership for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Attendee registration also includes the Sunday Evening Reception and Low Country Boil. Breakfast and lunch will be served on Monday and Tuesday. Also included is the GAEL Family Fun Night at Summer Waves on Monday and the John Yates Beach Run on Tuesday. (NOTE: Be sure to indicate if you will be attending the Low Country Boil on Sunday! There is no charge for attendees. Additional guest tickets may be purchased during registration.)
Please email iyoung@gael.org with registration problems or questions.
Cancellation Policy for the 2022 GAEL Summer Conference:
Due to commitments to our facilities/partners and the limit of in-person registrations, all cancellations up to June 22 are subject to a cancellation fee of $100.00. (cancellation fee will be waived if you choose to retain your 2022-2023 GAEL and Affiliate Membership) Cancellations after June 22 will be charged the full registration fee. No-shows at the conference will be charged the full registration fee. All cancellations must be in writing. Please email gsmith@gael.org to cancel.
A contingency cancellation policy will go into effect if we are unable to host the 2022 GAEL Summer Conference safely, according to CDC guidelines, government mandates, or similar reasons. NO CANCELLATION PENALTY will be assessed. A credit for the conference portion will be applied, and you will retain membership in GAEL and the selected affiliate. If you desire a refund for the conference portion instead of a credit, GAEL will honor that request.
Registration for this event is closed.