2024 GASSP Fall Conference - EXPO
November 17, 2024 - November 19, 2024
Savannah Riverfront Marriott
Agenda Coming Soon!
Lodging Information
Sponsorship Levels & Information
Join us for a 2 day conference focused on middle and high school administrators, athletic directors and teacher leaders. The theme is Empowering Minds, Igniting Futures. Participants will hear from previous State and National Principals and Assistant Principals of the Year. Current schools will share their practices for student success. Beth Houf, NASSP Principal of the Year 2022 and co- author Lead Like A Pirate: Make School Amazing for Your Students and Staff, will share her story and strategies for school leaders. Opportunities for networking with colleagues across the state will be provided through evening social events. Mark your Calendar and plan to attend this amazing conference in Savannah.
Sponsorship Levels:
(sponsor/exhibitor information packet coming soon!)
Platinum Sponsorship $5,000.00
Gold Sponsorship $4,000.00
Silver Sponsorship $3,000.00
Bronze Sponsorship $1,500.00
Exhibit Space (non-sponsorship) $350.00
Sunday November 17
- 9AM- Vendor set up starts at Riverfront Marriott
- 12 Noon-Registration of Attendees begins-visit vendors during registration
- 3 PM- Conference begins in Main Ballroom
- 5 PM- Reception in Main Lobby- Vendors invited
Monday November 18
- 7 AM-Breakfast-Vendors invited
- 8AM- Conference Begins
- 10:30 AM-Conference Break-Visit Vendors
- 11:45 AM- Awards Luncheon-Vendors invited
- 1 PM-3PM-Theme sessions with a 15 minute break every 45 minutes
- 6 PM-Social at Pirate House-Vendors Invited
Tuesday November 19
- 7AM- Breakfast-Vendors Invited
- 9AM-Vendor Breakdown
- 11 AM-Conference Ends
Questions? Email Alan Long, GASSP Executive Director, at along@gael.org or Wanda Law, GASSP Associate Executive Director, at wlaw@gael.org!
Cancellation/Refund Policy: Deadline to cancel is October 1, 2024. No Cancellations or refunds allowed for this event after this date.
Registration for this event is closed.