2023 G-CASE Spring Drive-In:
Join Julie Weatherly, Esq. of Resolutions in Special Education, Inc. and Dr. Timothy S. Havard with Auburn City Schools and Havard Educational Consulting for LEArn & LEAd - a one-day training program designed for those who serve as IEP Team “LEA Representatives,” including local school building administrators.
This interactive, information-packed training day provides LEA Representatives with suggested aids and strategies, as well as a video demonstration of their use in an IEP meeting. These strategies are designed to assist LEA Reps to more effectively:
• Fulfill their roles and responsibilities as the IEP meeting’s “process leader” in support of the Team’s “content leaders” and other members;
• Ensure that all IEP Team members, including parents, are provided the opportunity for meaningful participation and input;
• Use visual aids, checklists and other strategies to help prepare for and guide the IEP meeting process, keeping it on track and ensuring that it remains properly focused on the individual student and student needs;
• Use communication and conflict prevention and management strategies to respond to difficult behaviors and conversations that may occur during meetings;
• Assist IEP Teams in reaching consensus in decision-making and to appropriately respond when consensus cannot be reached; and
• Ensure that overall organized, efficient and legally compliant IEP Team meetings occur. It is the LEArn & LEAd goal that participants will walk away with immediate strategies they can use to improve their IEP meetings and their knowledge and skills to support collaboration between parents and school staff, while also avoiding misunderstandings, distrust and anxiety that can often lead to special education legal disputes.
Participants will walk away with immediate strategies they can use to improve their IEP meetings and their knowledge and skills to support collaboration between parents and school staff, while also avoiding misunderstandings, distrust, and anxiety that can often lead to special education legal disputes.
LEArn & LEAd is limited to a total of up to 60 participants in order to facilitate effective small and large group interaction, discussion and activities. They will be actively engaged and will interact with others during the training.
The registration fee is $300 per person and includes a LEArn & LEAd training manual, catered lunch, snacks, and drinks. (You do not have to be a member of G-CASE to attend.)
Cancellation/Refund Policy: Due to contracted commitments for facilities, meals/snacks, and speakers, cancellations are subject to a $40.00 fee up to one week/seven days before the opening day of the event. After that, the full fee will be charged. No-shows at the event will be charged the full fee. Cancellations must be in writing and emailed to the G-CASE Executive Director (Sarah Burbach at sburbach@gael.org). Substitutions of persons attending the conference are allowed. Please notify the G-CASE Executive Director, Sarah Burbach, of the change so that the appropriate printing of the name badge and billing will be made.
Registration for this event is closed.