GAEL 2024 Data-Informed Growth (DIG) Coaching Training
4/30/2024 (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) - 5/1/2024 (7 a.m. - 3p.m.)
Bibb County Professional Learning Center | 2000 Riverside Drive, Macon, GA 31204
Comprehensive coaching training for instructional coaches and administrators
The Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL) is excited to offer this comprehensive coaching training exclusively for Georgia educators!
The GAEL 2024 Data-Informed Growth (DIG) Coaching Training equips coaches and administrators with the skills and tools to implement a high-performance coaching program proven to improve outcomes for teachers and students alike.
Ten years of empirically validated academic research from esteemed professors at Rutgers and Arizona State Universities and 12 years of extensive coaching practice have identified the three coaching skills and six essential coaching actions that consistently improve student performance and teacher retention.
Facilitators from engage2learn’s diverse team of elite educators will lead Georgia educators through an intensive, hands-on learning experience aligned with this breakthrough research.
Pricing Options (please note: this event is credit card only)
DIG Coaching Training
DIG Coach Certification
$2,700 (Member Rate) / $2850 (Non-Member Rate)
$4,950 (Member Rate) / $5,100 (Non-Member Rate)
2-Day Coaching Training (includes lunch & dinner on day 1 and breakfast and lunch on day 2)
April 30 - May 1, 2024
Bibb County PL Center | Macon, GA
Virtual Workshops
Access virtual workshops and Q&A sessions to deepen knowledge and implementation of the essential coaching actions.
90-Day Professional Learning Plan
Breakdown of coaching tasks into weekly activities to clarify the path to certification.
6 GroweLab Licenses
Utilize GroweLab to schedule and conduct coaching and document coachee growth. Additional licenses are available for purchase.
12-Weeks of Virtual Coaching Support
Receive asynchronous support and progress check-ins from e2L’s diverse team of elite coaches.
3 Coaching Calibration & Debrief Sessions
e2L coaches review 3 recorded coaching sessions to calibrate coaching technique and conduct virtual debriefs to provide feedback on coaching.
Digital Portfolio of Coaching Evidence
Participants upload evidence of coaching practice to GroweLab to be reviewed and certified by e2L coaches.
Research-Based Coach Assessment & Evaluation
This 360 survey aligned to the science of coaching is completed by the participants, their direct report, and 6 of their coachees.
DIG Coach Certification
Become a certified e2L Data-Inform Growth Coach by completing calibration sessions, uploading evidence of practice, and passing the coaching assessment.
“I love how specific and targeted the effective coaching actions are. Thanks to you, I feel like my work matters and I feel empowered to implement. I can’t wait to be a factor of change.” - DIG Coaching Training Participant
Cancellation/Refund Policy: No Cancellations or refund will be allowed after March 29, 2024. To cancel participation for an event, GAEL must receive written notice via email to Kerensa Wing ( 30+ calendar days prior to the scheduled workshop/conference. If an individual registers and does not attend the event, he/she will be marked as a "no show" and the full conference fees shall apply. Registrants are responsible for payment. Refunds will not be made for “no shows”. Refunds and reimbursements will not be transferable to other workshops or conferences. In the event of inclement weather which may impede or prevent conference attendance, or which may give cause to fully cancel the conference, a credit will be provided to the registrant or school/system.
Questions? Email Kerensa Wing at or Rickey Edmond at
Registration for this event is closed.