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2023 SSTAGE Mini-Event: Common Profiles of the Older Struggling Readers and How to Better Support Them


SSTAGE Mini-Event

"Common Profiles of the Older Struggling Readers and How to Better Support Them"

November 7, 2023 | Virtual | 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m

SSTAGE Member Price: $40.00 | Non-Member Price: $115

*Group Registration: $25/member $100/non-member 

*(only for groups of 10 or more | Group Registrations need to be submitted in spreadsheet format with names/email address via email to jwhitehead@gael.org.)

The category of “struggling readers” is broad. Since reading is a complex task, there are multiple reasons why students might struggle. 

During this webinar, Dr. Gene Kerns (Author, Literacy Reframed; VP and Chief Academic Officer, Renaissance Learning) and Dr. Julie Vogel (National Education Officer, Renaissance Learning) will focus on “older students” – Grade 4 and up -- those who should have progressed past the “learning to read” phase to one of “reading to learn” and the unique challenges of addressing their needs when something has gone wrong. 

Topics for exploration include the following:

·       The most common profiles of struggling readers

·       Research on and recommendations about interventions

·       Special consideration for the differing needs of English Language Learners

·       Critical considerations about motivation

·       What every teacher can do to support struggling older readers

Questions? Email Joan Whitehead at jwhitehead@gael.org. 


Cancellation Policy: To cancel participation for an event, SSTAGE must receive written notice (email jwhitehead@gael.org) seven calendar days prior to the scheduled workshop/conference.  An administrative fee of $25.00 will be charged for cancellations.  Requests for a refund must be received in writing at least seven calendar days prior to the start of the conference and must be addressed to jwhitehead@gael.org. SSTAGE encourages participants to find a substitute. Replacements will be welcome, and there will be no charge to transfer a registration to a colleague for the event.  Advance notice of replacements is preferred.  If an individual registers and does not attend the event, he/she will be marked as a "no show" and the full conference fees shall apply. Registrants are responsible for payment. Refunds will not be made for “no shows”.  Refunds and reimbursements will not be transferable to other workshops or conferences.  In the event of inclement weather which may impede or prevent conference attendance, or which may give cause to fully cancel the conference, a credit will be provided to the registrant or school/system. Refunds will not be made for conference cancellations due to COVID-19, severe weather or weather events which may cause the conference to cancel. SSTAGE is not responsible for United States Postal Service mail or electronic mail failures.

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