2022 G-CASE Spring Conference
A Special Education Legal Forum
Join us face-to-face and/or live-streamed (any combination) for the Special Education Legal Event of the Year! The 2022 G-CASE Special Education Legal Forum is designed for all educational administrators, coordinators, teachers, psychologists, and others involved with educating students with disabilities. Presenters are state and nationally recognized legal minds who specialize in special education law, along with state leaders providing updates on current legislation, human resources, GaDOE information, and more.
Practical, useful, timely, and needed information -- A conference you just can’t miss!
Join Julie Weatherly; Harbin, Hartley, & Hawkins; Nelson Mullins partners; Wina Low,
Christi Teal, Kurt Hulett, Jimmy Stokes, and Buddy Costley
as they discuss the most current legal issues affecting us right now!
Monday – Wednesday, March 7, 8, and 9, 2022
The Classic Center
300 N. Thomas Street
Athens, GA 30601
Register NOW!
$425 (G-CASE Members), $475 (Nonmembers; includes membership)
*G-CASE Membership runs from July 30, 2021 - July 1, 2022.
Draft Agenda
Hotel Block Information:
Reservations must be made by February 15, 2022 to get block prices.
Hilton Garden Inn:
Hyatt Place: Guests can call Hyatt Reservations (1-888-492-8847 or 706-425-1800 then press “1” ) or book online using the group code which is “G-CAS3” Please make sure you have the group code handy when you call. Here is an e-booking link that will pull up our website (HyattPlaceAthens.com) with the code already filled in: https://athensdowntown.place.hyatt.com/en/hotel/home.html?corp_id=gcas3
Cancellation Policy: Because the conference is being offered face-to-face and live-streamed this year, no registrations will be refunded/cancelled. Substitutions of persons attending the conference face-to-face are allowed. Please notify the G-CASE Executive Director (sburbach@gael.org) of the change so that the appropriate printing of the name badge and billing will be made. The conference will be recorded.
In the event that the conference is unable to be held face-to-face safely due to COVID-19, severe weather, or other large-scale emergencies or acts of Mother Nature, we will not cancel the content of the conference. Instead, general session topics will be presented virtually at dates to be announced, with fees reduced accordingly. This legal information is important! Professional Learning will go on!
You may switch your access to the conference (from live to livestreamed; from livestreamed to live) by February 21st, 2022. Please contact Sarah Burbach, G-CASE Executive Director at sburbach@gael.org if you decide to change access. Or have questions.
Registration for this event is closed.