The Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership
2017 Annual Kickoff Conference
The Georgia Department of Education, Division for Special Education Services and Support is pleased to announce this year’s conference theme – Hats Off to Family Engagement. The 2017 Annual Kickoff Conference offers parent mentors and directors the tools they will need going from conference to community, taking inspired ideas and putting them into action. Participants will experience three days of active sessions and opportunities for networking.
G-CASE is proud to collaborate with GaDOE for the annual Parent Mentor Conference.
Pre -Conference Session (Optional)
The pre-conference session (optional) is on Wednesday, September 27th from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM at the Oatland Island Wildlife Center, 711 Sandtown Road, Savannah, GA 31410. This session is limited to 80 participants so register early!
Pre-Conference topic: Dropout Prevention Strategies by Sandy Addis, National Dropout Prevention Center
Parent Mentor Conference
The full conference begins on Wednesday, September 2:00 PM and ends on Friday, September 29th at 12:00 PM. The conference will be held at the Coastal Georgia Center, 305 Fahm Street, Savannah, GA.
There is no conference fee but you must register for each event you plan to attend (Pre-conference and/or Conference).
Visit the website for the latest conference news, draft agenda and other information!
Download the Hotel List
Registration for this event is closed.