2024 SSTAGE Post PPC Mini-Event:
Adolescent Literacy Supports and Interventions w/Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey
January 17, 2024
9 - 10:30 a.m.
This professional learning mini event is intended to assist district and school personnel with local implementation of adolescent literacy supports and interventions through the application of a tiered prevention system, specifically Tiers 1 and 2. Participants will learn how to analyze universal screening in literacy and identify instructional strategies for Tier 1 literacy instruction. Participants will also gain knowledge and skills to access and use resources, such as the IES Practice Guide: Providing Reading Intervention for Students in Grades 4-9.
Fee Name
Fee Amount
2023-2024 SSTAGE Member
Non-SSTAGE Member
*Group Registration
(10 or More Participants- Discount)
$25 (Per Member Registrant)
$100 (Per Non-Member Registrant)
(Contact Joan Whitehead-Freeman)
For Group Registration send spreadsheet with names/email addresses to jwhitehead@gael.org by
January 15, 2024.
Cancellation Policy: No Cancellations. Questions? Please contact Joan Whitehead-Freeman at jwhitehead@gael.org.
Registration for this event is closed.