2023 GASPA Spring Webinar
Rethinking Retention: A Systematic Structure for Supporting New Teachers
Livestream | March 2, 2023 | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Free for current 2022-2023 GASPA members!
Presenters will share the design and development of a partnership intended to induct, support, and retain new teachers in Dougherty County Public Schools.
Participants will have the opportunity to: understand the rationale behind the district-wide mentoring and professional learning initiatives implemented during 2022-23; learn about the systems and curriculum designed to support new teacher and mentor capacity; explore the impact of mentoring and support on new teacher retention and overall performance; and self-assess their district’s current systems of induction, mentoring, and professional learning.
Jill Addison has been in education for 21 years, as a teacher, Assistant Principal, and in her current role as the Chief Human Resources Officer for the Dougherty County School System (DCSS). Barbara Miraglia and Diamar M. Roman have over 20 years of experience in teaching and supervision, professional development, and mentoring. They are co-founders of EdLearning Connections, an educational consulting company that supports schools and districts in professional learning, induction, and development for teachers, mentors, coaches, and administrators. During the 2022-23 school year, DCSS and EdLearning Connections have partnered to design and facilitate a comprehensive support system for beginning teachers in DCSS and to launch the inaugural cohort of New Teacher Mentors.
This event is sponsored by EdLearning Connections!

View their website: https://edlearningconnections.com
Cancellation Policy: No Cancellations or Refunds. Questions? Email Stephanie Dobbins at sdobbins@gaspa-hr.com
Registration for this event is closed.