"Focusing on What Matters Most"
November 8-10, 2021
The King and Prince Resort Beach & Golf Resort
The Georgia Association of School Personnel Administrators is pleased to announce the 2021 GASPA Fall Conference, November 8 - 10, 2021, at the King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort. A tentative agenda will be posted on our GASPA website soon.
You will enjoy interacting with our opening speaker, Gwinnett County’s 2020 Teacher of the Year and a 2022 Top Ten finalist for Georgia’s Teacher of the Year, Rebecca Carlisle. She is an AP World History Teacher and Senior Internship Coordinator at North Gwinnett High School in the CHARGEnorth STEM program. In her time at North Gwinnett, she has founded her local school New Teacher program, helped develop the PLC culture, coached cheerleading and sponsored community service organizations working to develop students as servant leaders. Ms. Carlisle is passionate about helping students connect with the world, not just through academics, but through experiences, as that is key to them realizing their passion and purpose.
Dr. Laine K. Reichert, Director of Teaching and Learning Support and Development, Georgia Department of Education will share with us HB 32 and other updates. Mary Jesse, is a career educator, having served for thirty-three (33) years as a teacher, high school registrar/assistant administrator, and personnel administrator, Atlanta Public Schools; Director of Human Resources, Fulton County Schools; and, State Director for Georgia, the Visiting International Faculty Program (VIF). Since 2010, Mary has served as a consultant for the Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA). She conducts school board training and provides human capital services for various aspects of the superintendent search process. She also provides leadership coaching, seminars, webinars and presentations on a variety of human capital management topics for GSBA and district leaders. Mary served our Georgia Association of School Personnel Administrators (GASPA) from 1980-2016. She is a past secretary, program chair, historian, president, legislative liaison and member of the executive board for the association. Mary will present two sessions including The Board’s Role in School District Personnel Matters and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Implications for Best Practices in K-12 Human Resources.
Dr. Steve Frandsen, Principal, International Transition Center, Gwinnett County Public Schools, will present on a timely topic, One for the Money! This session will answer the question of why someone should enter and remain in the profession of teaching – and the answer may surprise you! For the money! We will dive into this frequently mentioned but poorly communicated solutions to the teacher recruitment and retention issue.
Gary Jenkins of Jasper County Schools and Donya Gillespie of the Berrien County School System will present The Who, What, Why, and How of CPI (Certified / Classified Personnel Information).
Phil Hartley, of Harben, Hartley and Hawkins, LLP, will be presenting an always-informative legal issues update as well as a second session focusing on Employee Contracts, Records Retention, FMLA and Employee Leave, and a follow-up about Paid Parental Leave. From the Professional Standards Commission, you will hear from Dr. Kelli Young and Windy Fortenberry, who will provide important certification updates. Anne Marie Fenton and Dr. Paul Shaw, will provide updates on the paraprofessional ethics training modules. We saved some time for a Question-and-Answer group discussion session with the GASPA Board and Regional Directors - get your questions ready!
A Pre-Conference Session is planned for Monday morning, November 8:
The Fundamentals of HR and so Much More!
This session is open to experienced Human Resources personnel as well as those who are new to Human Resources.
We will cover the Hiring Process: From Applications to Onboarding, the Legal Guidelines of the Hiring Process, Certification 101, How to Juggle the Many Hats Worn by HR Administrators, developing a monthly HR Calendar, important HR Resources, and a time for Q & A.
Hotel reservations can be made online at the King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort. Cutoff date when rooms are released to the general public is October 29, 2021.
Standard room rate is $157, Resort View rate is $157, Partial Oceanfront rate is $173, and Oceanfront rate is $189. There are a limited number of rooms in each category so reserve rooms early.
2021 Fall GASPA Conference - Hotel Reservations at the King and Prince
PLEASE NOTE: Online credit card payments are available for conference registration. Online registration CUT-OFF is October 29, 2021. Online registrations after October 15. 2021 will need to use the credit card option. Payments by check must be received by October 29, 2021 and should be made directly to the GAEL office at P.O. Box 6445, Athens, GA 30604.
Onsite conference registration will include an onsite fee of $25.
Cancellations must be received no later than October 29, 2021 at 4 pm to be considered for reimbursement. Contact Wilma Widmer if a cancellation is required or if you need additional assistance. (770-687-1299 or wwidmer@gaspa-hr.com).
Registration for this event is closed.